The EREAL News : XR, Gaming, Esports

Looking Forward To 2023: Exploration of the Gaming and Virtual Reality Industry

Why 2023 is the ideal year to invest in the gaming industry, including XR technology, and why EREAL SHOP made this important launching decision?


According to data from afjv and statistica, revenue in consoles and pc amounted to $95.1 billion dollars, registering a growth of +30% in 2023 in consoles. also, sales of virtual reality hardware and software will exceed $5 billion by the end of 2023.

USERS 2023 - 2027

The number of users is expected to reach 3.1 billion in 2027, or an increase of +14.81% between 2023 and 2027.

A NEW ERA IN 2024?

Despite the failure of Meta's Horizon World, the question arises: will the innovative "space computer" concept, from apple's vision pro, mark the beginning of a new computer era in 2024?

Picture by pexels-mikhail-nilov-7887260


As the creator of EREAL SHOP, I am committed to developing this e-commerce business, leaving aside the lucrative part. My wish to combine passion and profession by mingling my marketing experience with my passion for video games. Right now you will start a journey through the technological advances around the corner, an adventure in which investing means a lot. Join me in the promising world of video game hardware distribution, the Web3 revolution, and virtual/augmented reality. Together we can shape tomorrow and seize these exceptional opportunities. Your investment will not only be financial, but it will also be an investment in the exciting future we are creating.


The EREAL News : XR, Gaming, Esports