2023 : The Path to the Future of Gaming and Mixed Reality

Three decades have passed since the impact Mario, Sonic and Zelda left and today, the magic continues!




We are at the front of a digital transformation in which technological innovation is paving the way for stunning graphics and immersive experiences that will impulse the industry of  video game consoles, PC and virtual reality gaming industry to more than $100 billion by 2023, transcending increasingly broader generations.

With 2.7 billion players, the video game and virtual reality industry opens up profitable prospects both for investors specialized in the fields of gaming and VR/AR, as well as for those considering investing there for the first time. These opportunities are particularly created through creative monetization, such as the revolution of the free-to-play model and the development of games or applications linked to the sale of hardware to connect.

Among the technological trends, currently it's taking place the expansion of users and the improvement of hardware in terms of performance, comfort, and accessibility with a perspective of progressive growth; and, this is, without a doubt, what the year 2023 and the years to come promise us.


What the playful future of free games promises

In 2023, the video game industry will grow significantly, highlighting the new free-to-play and virtual and augmented reality gaming industries and they will also be sources of potential and promising prospects.


Xbox Cloud, PlayStation Plus Premium, GeForce Now, Luna and Shadow

The exciting development of Cloud Gaming conquers the large market in 2023, even in the face of the unfortunate abandonment of Google Stadia, it continues to offer a radiant growth horizon for its competitors such as Microsoft's Xbox Cloud, Sony's PlayStation Plus Premium, GeForce Now, Amazon's Luna and Shadow. Also, new important platforms such as Netflix, through its innovative approach to free-to-play games such as the Netflix Game Controller, as well as Apple Arcade and Google Play Pass, are creating the road for mobile gaming experiences that are yet to be released the next years.


New Netflix App on the App Store. Credits: Netflix


The rise of 5G and the development of 6G: cloud gaming on mobile devices

5G left a significant improvement in the gaming universe by enabling faster download speeds, making the online gaming experience so much better. Nevertheless, with the imminent development of 6G, the gaming scene is on the verge of a true revolution. 


Credits : rawpixel.com


6G reduces gaming latency to just 1 or 2 milliseconds compared to 20 milliseconds from its still mainstream 4G predecessor, ensuring an unprecedented experience. The gamers passionate about mobile gaming will be delighted, as the union of 6G and cloud gaming will allow instant access to a dizzying variety of games and visual quality four times higher than Full HD. It's an era where mobile screens battle with traditional consoles to deliver unparalleled immersive experiences.


The union between 5G, Wi-Fi 6, 6G and cloud gaming: a technological symphony

Imagine a meeting between speed, connectivity, and immersion. 5G, Wi-Fi 6 and 6G come together to create an unparalleled cloud streaming and gaming experience. 5G has already demonstrated its exceptional performance, with download speeds up to 10 Gbps and minimal latencies. Meanwhile, Wi-Fi 6 offers better handling of simultaneous connections, providing fertile ground for online gaming. With 6G on the horizon, gamers can expect an unthinkable performance beyond their wildest dreams. The combined capabilities of these technologies create an ecosystem where cloud gaming reaches a new level, setting the standard for interactive experiences in the future.


Asus Routers WiFi-6 - Gaming 2023. Credits : Asus


Reduced latency: the key to virtual and augmented reality

Latency , This short period of time between action and reaction, has long been a considerable problem for virtual and augmented reality. This is where 5G comes in, offering near-zero latency that impulse these technologies to new horizons.


Half-Life - Aliyx. Credits: Valve Index


6G, with its promise of even lower latency, will revolutionize the way we interact virtual worlds. The virtual and augmented reality experience not only becomes more realistic, but also more fluid and natural, allowing users to immerse themselves deeply in alternative worlds without experiencing unpleasant lags or motion sickness.


NFT, Web3 and the future metaverse: what can we expect?

The dematerialization of the world is at its peak, impulsed by NFTs and Web3 technology. This radical transformation has the foundations of Marc Zuckerberg's Metaverse concept, in which the boundaries between reality and virtuality dissolve. Despite the challenge of Play To Earn (P2E) games and cryptocurrency fluctuations, virtual/augmented reality offers an immense potential; this allows creators to design unique and immersive virtual worlds, while users and major brands discover new economic opportunities within this growing ecosystem.


White-label Cryptocurrency Wallet


5G, 6G and related technologies significantly enrich this experience, providing faster and more stable connections between the real and virtual world. Although Meta's Horizon Worlds Metaverse continues to be a vision of the future, continuing advances in mixed reality headsets, including Apple's new "space computer," raise interesting questions ;


Apple Vision Pro. Credits : Apple

Could this be the revolution that's waiting for us in 2024?

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